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This Adventure, Our Life: Why I like babywearing...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why I like babywearing...

I am not one of those anti-stroller people.  Strollers are great and most definitely serve a purpose.  I could not have done without my stroller when Bailey was born and I was in recovery mode.  Strollers help to carry all my "junk" around, well and my baby!  Really though, I love babywearing.  I feel like Bailey is soo close and when she whines I am right there.  I guess I figure babies grow up soo quickly and I have soo many years ahead of me of not being able to hold her close, she will want to run, play and be independent.  So for now, any chance I get she goes in the ergo, close to me.  I love how I can interact with her, hear her little breaths, feel her weight fall against me as she falls asleep, nurse her, play with her and she will pull on my face, babble to me, then I give her kisses and talk to her!  Sometimes these moments are so special to me, because I know that we many not have many more.  I mean, sure I will always snuggle, love, and hold Bailey as close as I can get her, but at some point it will just not be like this anymore!  Here is why I love it:

LOVE her very much.

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